Final Goodbyes

My dear mother,
I'm so sorry,
I had to do this to you.
No mother,
should bury her child.
But, oh, what can you do?

My dear father,
Comfort mother,
When I'm lowered into my grave.
Strong father.
Don't show your weakness,
If last hope, you wish to save.

My dear sister,
Thank you greatly,
For being there for me.
I loved you always.
And always will,
Throughout eternity.

My dear brother,
Little brother,
You always brightened my day.
Tiny brother,
You made me so happy,
With the things you used to say.

And dear world,
I'm sorry I left you,
When I was oh so young.
Precious planet,
I had no other option.
My time with you was done.

And to the others,
My friends and classmates,
My teachers and lovers too.
I'm free now,
So don't you worry.
Here's to all of you.