
Too crowded,
My wings are cramped,
Too familiar,
My spirit is dying,
I want to leave,
But you won't let me,
Your wings have long gone,
they've turned to roots,
You were a bird,
now you're a tree.
You stay,
content with familiar,
I am still a bird,
Trapped in this overcrowded forest,
Where your leaves block out the sky I long to see,
the sun I long to feel,
and the adventure I long to have,
But now, I have grown,
My wings are crushing between your branches,
fading beneath your shade and shelter,
and weakening inside the teeming space,
But I spread my wings,
as far as they can,
You scratch and pull,
trying to keep me here,
Your whispers tell me I can't leave,
They tell me to stay,
they tell me I'll never make it without their shelter,
So I listen,
ButI hear the sky whispering to me,
drowning out your words,
It says to believe and I will see,
Its says to believe in myself,
So I do,
I begin to flap,
I jump,
I'm free.