
Look over at that girl sitting in the corner.
See those bruises all over her arms,
She earned those from fighting off a bully.
You see those burn marks,
Those are from her home life.
She has felt all the pain that humanity can give.

She has felt the loss of love and the pain of hate.
Using make-up to hide the pains the world has handed her.
Though it can only hide what the world chooses to ignore.
Placing a barrier of invisibility up to help protect her from further questioning.
Teachers choose to not see those pains that are written all over her face.
The children around her continue to poke fun at her and make her feel in-human.

You see that girl sitting in the corner.
Look at her face, there is a smile on it.
Why, you may ask?
How can one person that is socially tortured to death,
Have a smile on her face.
Because, you see through all of the illusions that she puts up.
You make her feel like she is special and human.
You help her deal with all the pain that the world hands her.
You are the one person that lets her believe that there is,
♠ ♠ ♠
I would love to found out what the reader thinks of my writing so please comment.