
I hate the person I am now,
The person which is me,
I hate the person I once was,
And the person I'll come to be.
I hate my face and features,
I hate my chin and nose,
I hate my eyes, I hate my hair
I even hate my clothes.
I hate my friends I hate them,
'Cause they will always say
you’re not ugly, you're not fat
when convo swings that way.
I hate the way you look at me,
I hate the way you stare,
I hate the way you make me feel,
I hate the way I care.
I hate the way I always feel,
No matter what I do;
I hate my desperate cry for love,
a desperate cry for you.
And most of all I hate you,
And this is very true,
I hate the way I feel deep down,
I wish I could be you.
♠ ♠ ♠
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