
You see this house,
Everyday you pass,
Yet, you never see,
The burdens it withholds.

The girl who lives there,
Bruised and battered...
Her screams never heard,
Through those old rotted walls...

And yet one day,
As you pass,
You see her stumble,
And hear the shouts....

And somehow you know,
You know she's broken,
And you want to help...
You have to save her....

Some how,
Some way.

So in the middle of the night,
Your at her house,
Sneaking her out,
Saving her life.

You grab the kerosene,
Dump it in the house,
Right outside his door,
And light the match....

You grin as the flames,
Start eating the walls,
Creep to his bedroom,
And the screams begin.

He finally knew,
The pain,
The agony,
That he caused his angel.

And I stood there,
Watching the flames
As the monster burned....