Sarah Is . . .

Sarah is sweet. She is kind and she is forgiving. She is also compassionate, considerate, and loving. She is vibrant, slap-on-a-smile Sarah. She is mellow, she is charming, and she is witty. Sarah is autumn, her hair the color of that orange leaf holding onto its branches. Sarah is inspiration. She is talkative, but a listener at the same time. She is the great advice when you need it, and the person to catch you if you ever felt the need to fall. Sarah is the shine when the sun’s rays are hid in the clouds. She is the smile that lights up the room. She is music. She is real and reality. Sarah is amused by silly things because she is a silly person. She is Supernatural, intense, and adrenaline. She is baking cupcakes on your birthday. Sarah is laugh, play, hug, squeeze, and obnoxious noises. She is tough and she is strong. She is weird eyes, green with little specks of gold. She is pale. She is lovely, inside and out. Sarah is nature, with the wind, earth, fire, and water on her side. She is aware of everything that surrounds her. She is motherly. She is risky, she is adventure, but she is also careful. Sarah is incense and peppermints. She is full of life; living is her high. Sarah is there. Sarah is constant. Sarah is my best friend.
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A poem to my best friend.