Thought One.

I watch the stars
Turn around in the sky.
I wonder how many there are.
I wish I was miles away.
I could watch the world from space,
And only miss one thing.
The world turns,
War ensues,
Peace is reached,
Treaties signed,
Just to end it all.
But it never ends.
Woman cry,
Men scream,
Guns fire.
A general falls,
A soldier dies.
But how far do these sounds carry?
Not far enough for human ears to hear,
Nor to make them care enough to put
Differences aside and set everyone free.
Are we really free?
Who's the real puppeteer in this dance of life?
Is it society, making us hit ourselves in the face
Like a child and saying, "quit hitting yourself!"
Or is it you, turning your life the way you like?
Can we be the difference?