The Doctor's Song

He came in a little blue box,
Out of nowhere.
His sonic Screwdriver he cocks,
To save every creature's hair.

But the first time he saw her
He didn’t recognize that face
But the more times they meet, they bicker
And they remember their place.

His past is her future,
Her future, his past.
Seems simple, sure,
Because time goes by fast.

He doesn't really know who she is,
Even though she knows everything about him.
Every time their paths cross, he feels like it’s a quiz.
A test, about whether or not the future looks grim.

But one thing he knows,
Is that when she is gone,
His love for her grows.
And then he will fawn,

Fawn over her existence,
And every little thing
Her smile, her laugh, her brilliance,
But we don't know if he offers the ring…

For their story isn't done
There are still two doctors to go,
And two companions that haven’t begun
To put on a show.

They have been through a lot,
Angels, explosions and Daleks.
But one thing he forgot,
That he'll never admit.

That their fantasy will end,
In the blink of an eye.
Something he cannot defend,
Is that their universe is awry.

The crack in the wall,
And little Pond, so afraid,
Will learn that silence might not fall
At the end of the day.

The Pandorica has opened
Not a big deal,
Though the universe had ended.
But they still got a feel,

Of what was to happen next.
Sadly nothing good,
But in context
The doctor would.

Eleven is the key,
To the hearts of all.
Including me
But Silents will fall...
♠ ♠ ♠
oay so tis has been my recent obsession Doctor Who <3