When We Were Young

When we were young
The sun rose and shined
Nothing to worry about but fun
And those trees we climbed

Our pains were scraped knees
Our fears, big yellow bumble bees
Our work was to play
Every single day

The lessons we learned would stay with us forever
To forget about our worries and our strife
To paint with all the colors of the wind
To wish upon stars

The world was ours
We could be anything and anyone
We flew to mars, to the stars, to infinity and beyond
Without ever leaving home

We were cowboys
We were heroes
Our friends were our toys
We led, we followed

Yeah, we were a lot of people
Words were more than sounds
We flew as high as steeples
Without ever leaving the ground

When we were young we were free
To be anything we wanted to be
But always, you were you
And I was me.