
What done is done
And we've crossed the line,
Your indecision takes over,
We've taken this too far,
And you're pushing me farther.

You looked at me with your bloodstained-eyes,
And I stared at you with my face caked in tears,
But you silenced my endless whimpers and sobs with a kiss.

All hope s gone and since you never really changed
I erased
Your taste and let you go
as I sinked and grasped
for breath.

This whole time was just a little lie,
And making my feelings go up and down,
Aren't you a little inconsiderate?

What done is done and we've crossed the line,
Your pride, my anger,
The situation is worst than ever.

And I looked at the skies above,
As I sink and drown myself, I thought,
'Your lust was disguised as love.'