It's only what's best.

Stripped down and bare,
Rough and raw.
One last rollercoaster ride,
Isn't this what you wanted from the start?
Nothing left but vulnerability,
Just the way we always liked it.
Give it your all,
And I'll give you ten times more.
Let's make this last,
Some love for the road.
Years down this road,
Will it have been worth it?
What's done is done,
And now it's over.
Our last minutes of mutual lust,
Come down to nothing
But loss for words
As body parts are shamefully covered once more.
Was it worth it?
Will this fucked up fairytale ever come to be?
Words fail me as the three most meaningful fill my lungs
But refuse to escape.
I wait for the words to fall from your lips,
But I get nothing in return.
Another stab,
Right in the heart...
Or what I have left of it.
Parting words are exchanged,
Lips touch...
It's over.
I watch as your back retreats,
And my world explodes with each step.
Always in my heart,
Never out of my mind;
Only time will tell if this battle has been won.
After all,
Isn't it what's best?