
She could not see.
She could hear, feel, smell, taste, but she could not see.
Someone went up to her and said her name. She could not see, she could not hear.
She could feel, smell, taste, but she could not see, she could not hear.
The same person grabbed her hand and rubbed her back.
She could not see, she could not hear, she could not feel.
She could smell, taste, but she could not see, she could not hear, she could not feel.
The smell of the persons cologne stung her nose and left a bitter taste in her mouth.
She could not see, she could not hear, she could not feel, she could not smell, she could not taste.
She shut herself down, no one can hurt her, no one can break her.
She was safe.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this isn't the best, but it actually does mean a lot to me.