The Feeling of Loving You

I'm perfectly fine
Nothing is wrong
That is all I say to you
And you believe me
But inside I am slowly dying
Trying hard not to fall
But I can't pretend
I have already fallen
I try to tell you with my eyes
The pain I feel inside
But you can't see
Past the fake smile on my face
You think everything's alright
It's funny how naive you are
You just don't know
The only pain I am feeling
Is coming from you
You are hurting me so bad
This wasn't supposed to happen
I let my guard down
And you came too close
Now I can't get you away
You keep torturing me
Without even knowing
I hate you for doing this to me
How could you?
You make it hard to love you
I'm giving up
So just leave me alone
Stay away from me
Please, I beg you
You have come too close
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a poem describing how hard loving that special someone is for me. Please tell me what you think.