My fairy tale Dream

Mukashi mukashi
Once upon a time
I came across a magical door
It lead to a realm that I’ve never explored
I stepped inside
Only to find
Myself falling up
Down a Technicolor slide
Falling and falling
Until I hit ground
Into a world of the unknown

I jumped on a carpet that could fly
It took me to a place under the skies
I saw towers and castles, Houses and towns
All of the people no where to be found
A thick golden rope hung from a window
When I climbed up I found but a damsel
She cut her hair, letting it fall down
Her prince charming no where to be found

Then I saw luscious red apples, oh such a teaser
Juicy and tempting and an eye pleaser
Just as I was about to swallow
My eye caught sight of a young fellow

He asked me to escort him to a ball
He’d send for me a carriage, a gown, and a shall
All I had to do was to be home by noon
That did leave much time to swoon
When the clock struck 12 I hurriedly rushed home
Not knowing that I had forgotten my phone

When I got home it was but a dream
And nothing was quite like what I had seen
My prince charming never came
What a terrible shame
I went back to doing chores – boy I was pissed
When all of a sudden I realized I was no longer in Kansas