i feal like it has been forever
we should meat one day i dont care whereever
sitting in the sun
waiting for you
i hope you have missed me too
i have been waiting
debating if i want to see you
in your eyes i know it hurts
i see you with other girls
and me with guys
i know in my head it is all lies
just to turn into goodbyes
i am waiting for you
and you the same
but there is noone to blame
i know it all seems lame
everyone says we should just date
you are not a batter
you can not just take a swing
i am not something you can hit
but they dont get it
i feel of falling into a pit
i dont know why
but i always sigh when without you
and you say the same too
i am scared
of being left teared
of the futre
of us
you say dont worry dont fuss
i try
but it is not enough
it is very tuff
all the other times love was bluff
but this time you meen it
and i have seen it
in your smile
if you have seen my heart and you look through
you will relize
i love you too!!


LovE ANd rOcKEtS!