Everything Will Be Alright

At times people hate you
Thinking you’re dumb and useless
Being you is not easy
Screw what others think
And do what’s making you happy.

At times you’re just lonely
Thinking you’re alone and left-out
Thinking too much will destroy you
Make things happen
And never regret a thing.

At times you’re just scared
Thinking you always has fear at anything
Make that head look up high and have a little faith
Be strong
He won’t ever leave your side.

At times you just feel you’re nothing
Thinking you haven’t done something good
You’re more than you think you are
No one can ever tell you you’re not worth it
You are something
That anyone couldn’t imagine

At times you feel you’re not good at anything
Thinking you’re not doing enough
You worked hard for what you have right now
Let people talk to their selves
Show them you’re good
For every little thing you do.

At times you feel you’re a mess.
Don’t just sit there
And hate everything;
Fix your mess and everything will get better.