Silent prayer

When I told you I was hurting, you told me to pray.
That only God above could take away my pain.
Where was your god those nights as I prayed for it to end?
Why would he help me now if he didn't help me then?
You tell me that this God will lift me up and make me strong.
But as I bleed here on the floor, I think you must be wrong.
Maybe i'm not worthy of one as great as him.
Maybe this helpless child just has too much sin.
But on this night as dark as the demons in my soul,
I fall down to my knees as I try to break their hold.
Father if you're up there looking down on me
I pray that all the good through the bad you will see.
I'm not sure if you care, but if my voice you hear
I'm asking you to save me from drowning in my fear.
This pit has grown so dark, I need your shining light
It is all that's left that can break this endless night.