When She Sings

When she sings, she hopes someone will hear
It's all she want in this life
Is to be treasured, to be held dear
She doesn't think it's too much to ask
She feels love with to much ease,
Falls hard and fast
She sees the crowd, starts to freeze
Opens her mouth to sing
She knows the words without a thought
Delivers the lyrics with a sting

When she sings, she prays someone will see
Hear her voice
And know what she could be
If she was given a chance, or even a choice
Wants to be noticed
Needs to be seen
Trapped in the remotest
Type of daydream
She doesn't want to leave
Go to a world where no one can believe

When she sings, she knows she's right
She is brought to a whole new height
In a world where all you need to know
Is the right lyrics and to be able to just let go
She smiles, starts to dance
She knows that now is her chance
Her chance to be seen, her chance to shine
And towards the top she begins to climb

When she sings, everyone listens
Watch her eyes light up, begin to glisten
When she sings, she's where she was meant to be
She's up there, where all can see
Someone to notice,
Someone alive
A girl with a dream
Beginning to strive

When she sings,
She starts to dance
As her voice rings out
She knows she got her chance
♠ ♠ ♠
Inspired by two very special friends of mine. ;D Sing it out guys.Yes, I just quoted MCR.