Summer Time

Peeking up so suddenly,
Rays shining into the ground
Grass green and flowers blooming,
The wind blows all around

Sweeping up the butterflies,
They all head toward the ocean sand
Footprints walking along the shore
Waves scratching agaisnt the land

Even the weeds find their habitit,
But never in the waking trees
Where birds tweet their happy songs,
And the leaves fly with the breeze

And the rabbits hop with their offspring,
All the way to their hidden holes,
As the insects buzz all around,
And nature protects their loving homes

Within the bright the light of all that's known,
Humans saunter the lively streets
Where birds fly through the vacuoos skies,
And near the streams where frogs leap

Children's laughs begin to simmer
As the rays begin to climb down
the grass becomes shades of blue and orange
While the crickets begin to make thier mound