Playing with fire.

I was that girl, the one down the street.
with the delicious smile, super kind and sweet.
I had an infectious laugh the kind you know,
that makes your ears listen and begs your heart to grow.

I loved all people, the way I was taught,
i had a personality that couldnt be bought.
I danced with the beggers and mixed with the sad.
I would teach prayers to the blind ones and happiness to the mad.

all day I would work diligently,
making myself perfect, at least attempting to be.
I sat on my bed and recited my vows.
"dear God I love you forever from now"

I was a good girl, the kind a mother wants.
I was the precious angel, the kind a father flaunts.
I fellt i could take on the world.
Little did I know...I was just one girl.

I found fire...burning mad in the wind.
Eating up lives and committing sin.
My heart leapt righ out of my chest.
This would be a challenge...yet to be the best.

So I did up my hair, and walked into the street,
I had some work to do...a very HOT date to meet.
I yelled "hello fire! what is your story,
why must you act in such a furry"

He paused and thought for a moment or two,
than said.."I have come to destory, now be gone with you"
I shook my finger and wrinkled my nose.
Then went around back and grabbed that old hose.

I came back in a blink and a wink
than said to him.."prepare to have a long,cool drink"
I was just about to turn it on,
when he sang out to me the sweetest of songs

" Oh darling I see you standing right there,
with your hair all done up so beautiful and fair.
you do so much but no one can see,
the greatness of your heart contrary to the size that you be.
I see your mind and your greatest of fears,
the tears you have cried thinking nobody cares.
But listen to me I can care for you,
we may not match as a normal two.
But I can light your world on fire,
until I touch the heavens and higher.
You come with me now, put down that hose,
you wouldnt want to hurt me, I am as delicate as a rose!
I love you darling, it is me who you seek."

and then old fire turned and kiss my left cheek.

I put down my hose and marched on my way.
I said fire "I love you" never ever go away.
I will be back tomorrow please wait for me.
I want you to be mine for eternity.

he hissed a goodbye and i left for the night,
dreaming of how our love would grow, it was all so right
I awoke in the morning and ran out the next day,
to see my world burned to the ground all the way.

I called out "fire! what have you done!?"
he called from the ground "but it was such fun!"
smoke arose from half eaten homes,
I saw that I was completely alone.

I ran to fire...what was left of him,
he was barely burning and his light was dim.
I knelt beside him and cried at his name.
"fire why!? I gave you my trust now you are to blame"

He laughed his cruel laugh than spat out at me,
how could you be so blind didnt you see?
when you play with fire you lose your whole world.
you foolish child, you silly little girl.

I felt an anger inside of my chest,
something inever felt and it took over my best.
it raged on the inside and cut my core.
the soft kind girl, was no longer here anymore.

I cried and cried and my tears ran down.
making mud it the dirt as it hit the ground.
I stood up and got to my feet!
"you are wrong! i shouted and this you will see.

I grabbed the hose...and turned it on.
Someting I should have done before I had fallen.
I sprayed him down with evey spray I awoke.
till I saw no more red, and there was no more smoke.

I dropped the hose and fell to my knees..
I prayed to God begging Him please.
"give me the strength to know was is right,
Guide me straight let me follow the CORRECT light"

I dried my tears as I was washed of my guilt.
I had a job to do. my world needed to be rebuilt.
as I worked from the ground up, a lesson I learned.
If you play with fire, your bound to get burnt.