Trigger by, Ashy-Lin Hope

She always knew who she was,
He just went by group,
She was so in love with him,
She couldn't help.
She lived a long way away from him,
She cried when she saw the end.

Her heart was numb,
Her head was spinning,
She felt it then,
The line was thinning,

It was all over,
Said and done,
Her heart was covered,
She couldn't get out of this,
Its so sad Its so blue,
Were sorry though,
Till she pulled the trigger.

He saw the lonely girl,
So sad so blue,
Reading her blogs,
Chasing her down,
He knew it; She had it
He finally found.

(2nd O.C)
He loved that girl,
He didn't know her,
She made his head spin,
His heart would beat for her.

(2nd C)
It was all over,
Said and done,
He felt it then,
The time was ticking,
It was all over,
His heart was covered,
He couldn't get out of this,
Its so sad; Its so blue,
Were sorry though,
Till she pulled the trigger.

Okie so graphic right? Well I wrote this song basically for the To Write Love on Her Arms Organization. If you didn't get the meaning of the song its that no matter how bad life gets, hurting yourself is never the answer, Your not only hurting yourself, you are hurting others around you. So before you even consider suicide or hurting yourself weigh out the options of who else is going to get hurt by your actions. Pick up a pen and do what I just did, get creative.