
When I see you with him
I feel the depression
It's not even that I want you to myself
I just feel as if we went wrong, and somethings are left
Things that will hurt me 'till my dying day
Because for the rest of my life I'll be afraid
The scars on my skin are from my time getting over you
Because we were over before we were through
I hurt so deeply even today
And for now I'm still not okay
I'm happy most of the time
But I guess that's 'cause I know how to lie
Everytime I see you feelings arise
And I die a little more inside
I love her but in a different way
Still passionate all the same
I just hope in the end one of us doesn't get burned
Because apparently I still haven't learned
I don't need to trust
To love
So easily
Because in the end it's me who hurts me
I let people in and tell them my secrets
Before I know if they'll hate me for it
The scars on my heart are from everytime we touched
You burned an impression of you into my love
The scars on my mind are from every memory
Because I know, one day, you will be able to forget me
♠ ♠ ♠
I can't really talk to anyone about this because I'm too i write