Rant poem

I am sorry my friend
I have to say goodbye
We had a good run
But I'm tired of the tears you made me cry

Tears of blood
Flowing down my arms
A feeling so lightless
Like I'll float away with no harm

You left me with scares
The only thing left of this life of despair 
Any time I see them
I remember It was I who put them there

I really need to let go
You not helping me
But now it's not only me you have under your spell
But please don't hurt the boy who can't even see

Your killing the beautiful boy with your ways
Is this what you want
To see him on his final days
What if he cuts to deep and it's his life he pays

Just let him go
Him so innocent and you so cruel
He tried it once and now his wrists are bleeding
He's been trying to hide his wrists from me in school

I know he cuts by the look in his eyes
 His shinning facade and the snapping of wrist ties 
The hurt he endures is one I can see
Just let go of him and take back me

I don't need you friend but don't take him
He's all i have in a world so grim
So what will i do if this gets out of control
To late for that, looks like cutting actually paid it's toll