When You're in Love With a US Marine

You run your fingers through your hair

It’s extra soft today

But he’s not here to feel

You sigh, going about your morning routine

Eyeliner, mascara, maybe a little lip gloss

And you’re done

You remember a time, not too long ago

It took ten minutes or more to get ready

Everything had to be perfect

Not a hair out of place

But that was when he was home

It seems so much less important now

Not it’s a struggle to get through the day

You seem to run on autopilot

Thoughts of him always on your mind

How is he?

Is he safe?

It’s a constant count down

To the day he comes back home

But you don’t voice your fears

You bite your tongue, stay silent

They just won’t understand

Even those who try

You’re comforted by thoughts of him

His love for you

That he’ll be home soon

He doesn’t want you to be upset, to worry

He tells you this as often as he can

And that he loves and misses you

And is coming home to you soon

You get through the days ok

One long day at a time

But at night it all comes rushing back

The fears, the worry, the constant ache

You lie in bed, alone

Fighting back the tears that are sure to come

You try to be strong

If not for you, then for him

You gather your courage

All the strength you can muster

Because tomorrow is another day