Killer of the Night

A killer of the night from hell
I think you fell
down from heaven
at eleven

A boy, once you were, now a man
chug a beer can
get very drunk
yeah that's right punk!

Remember nothing when you wake
the risk you take...
what did you steal?
'that guilt you feel?

You killed a person for money?
think it's funny?
to choke your bro?
and slap that ho?

You have killed children, haven't you?
to me; don't coo.
I know you Al,
come on old pal.

Leave Will and the rest of the gang
or I will hang
waiting for you
here, take my shoe.

Allen, remember me always
remember my ways
it's not too late...
you can be great...
♠ ♠ ♠
Gang Codes:
Take my shoe- I'm yours
children- innocent people