With Golden Wings and Roses...

I've watched this a thousand times
In my mind as I lay, not yet asleep
But wishing
I've dreamed this a million or two
One step forward, and I'm drowning in tune
With every beam of light I might

Traced this as far as it'll go
Back to places that I've never been
And I can't seem to see if I know
Were I'm going again, but I'm hoping again
That I'll find my way

I've screamed it so many times, voice is gone
And I've sang it so many times to the more
Nowhere in time can I find when it went wrong
All went dead
Lay dieing
And it all lives

Deep, deep, into the times I went crying
And sought it for comfort when no other was near
And it came as a darkness
Swallowing all I needed free of
And sending me away on butterfly wings
Looking for lost roses
And dreams

All I did, all I took, everything I spoke of so often
It seems that I couldn't of helped it otherwise
Soft whispers like lullabies
Gentle shrouds like butterflies
And winds like winds could never be
In reality

This place is where my times matter in only number
Never counting the loss in desperation
And the nearly no gains of my creation
But they're there, I here, and matters far away
Far away

I've dreamed this dream a million times
Or two
But, what to do?
I have no control in this tiny little insanity savior
Like life out there
In here is better
Time flies
And does not fair
Like butterflies
As thin as air

And here...

Time does not exist
And I'm handling it
I sigh, and I fall back to worlds
That could never run on dream
What a sad thought of things
Modern worlds
Never survive
Always yielding to a dreamer on the rise...

Like butterflies...

And things...

With golden wings and roses...