
My face was pale and

damp with my tears, I was searching

for air but couldn't find it. My heart was

beating wildly, almost as if I had just

sprint two miles. Arms that were strong and

familer wrapped tightly around my child like

body. The sight of the lifless body was

forever burned onto my memory The

scene was to hard for me to believe. I

did not want to believe the words that

they told me. I did not want to see

my best friend laying there lifeless on the

floor. Her eyes were shut as if she was

fast asleep like she was in her last days and

her chest was not moving any longer. All

the life that she had was drained from her

fragile old body. She was no longer in pain. She

was now free. My tears were falling so fast and

my heart was aching. My best friend was dead.

My Triscut. My Lassie.