Not A Bitch...really!

If you take the time to know me
You would clearly see
I'm not the bitch everyone perceives me to be
I am kind and polite
I don't like to cuss
I don't like to fight
I like the finer things in life
I want no worries and no strife
I brush my hair down everyday
I like my dresses to swing and sway
I like to smell like flowers and roses
That make the other girls turn up their noses
Pretty as God made me
I'm not too into vanity
I may be cute
Make the guys salute
Just because I have a pretty face
Doesn't mean I let my brain go to waste
I got my college degree
And bathing in money
While all you lil beezies
Are working for honey
You might think the worst of me
Because your guy can't take his eyes off me
Don't get it twisted
I'm as nice as can me
Stop being jealous
And thinking I'm bitchy
Get a clue ladies
Your glares don't faze me.