Memory Lane

I couldn't help but stumble upon our memories
Knowing it was a bad idea,
I took a trip down memory lane
The laughs we shared,
Nights I told you some of my darkest secrets
The nights turned into mornings,
And the bond grew stronger
After our first "I love you"
You became my only true big brother
But everything comes to an end
Thinking of my lies,
I feel the urge to scream
To yell until someone can understand my pain
I want to cry,
But I'm tired of crying alone
Just a short while ago,
You would've been the one to give me comfort
To help me right what I've done wrong
Now I feel I'm a bother,
Even if it's a one minute call
I clutch every memory of you,
Directly towards my heart
Every night at 11:11
I wish to feel your love again,
I pray for a new start
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't even think this puts my emotions into words correctly. Words can't even explain how much I miss you. Rephrased, words can't even explain how much I love you.