Just A Cancer

Hold my hand,
Hear my screams,
Theses stories are deepening with the cuts,
Getting worse and more confused,
All I needed was a word with you.

A touch from you,
An opinion from your point of view,
I’m stuck, Addicted, Lost,
Unneeded here.

Bringing me back,
Back to life,
You take it away,
Just as fast,
You take all my energy,
But I understand you now,
Your ways of thinking and how you work,
I understand and can control myself when I need to.
Can you?

It hurts and I’ll cry,
But what I inflict upon myself only makes it better,
I can just bleed out the problems,
My flaws,
It’s always the answer,
For me at least,
It is.

When love fails,
When you’ve given it your all,
When there’s no more light in the situation,
No point in trying,
We bleed,
It’s what we’re destined.
When it’s all our faults.

If you can find enough reason,
To believe in me,
I can do it, too,
I know I can, too.

More and more tears will come,
Some of this has just begun,
Undone have come my secrets and now you know all,
You’re here with me,
You accept me.

You’re all I’ve ever looked for,
And you see me for me,
You understand,
You’re going through it too.
You believe in me.

No longer am I scared,
Scared, Anxious,
When I think of you and the bigger portrait here,
You’ll see this shadow cast near,
A body in the window,
She rests at the sill.

And you’ll watch as she removes her tightly webbed and unworthy corset,
She’s done so much for you,
She’s done and gone,
She’s gone,
Why did she go?
As you turn away it clicks,
You realize it’s your fault,
You’ve broken her.

And how she clung to the words,
She’s okay, and she’s steady,
It probably confuses you to see after so long,
Why should she still try?
For you especially?
She needs answers,
She’ll cry and whine.

But she knows you’ll never be good for her.
As her love dies from the cancerous affects,
The glances at perfection that she’s had imprinted in her mind,
Will make her feel unable.

In her own eyes,
She’ll never be beautiful enough for you,
Unless you tell her so.
The cancer in your eyes is still killing her.
With every conversation the electricity inside her is renewed,
She’ll never forget what went on,
But she’ll always care.