Life's Key.

I stood outside the door
Pacing, pacing, pacing.
Eyes transfixed on the floor
My heard inside me racing.

This was a dilema
I could not face right now.
It caused my hands to tremmor
Knowing I was gonna start this row.

I didn't know how to say
Everything that I wanted to.
I could just say: "Mum I'm gay"
but maybe she already knew.

I held onto that glimmer of hope
As I knocked against the door,
My stomach notted like rope
And her mouth nearly dropped to the floor

"What? Whats going on?"
I stayed silent and ashamed.
I wondered if it was wrong,
If I was fully to blame.

Then suddenly it hit me:
I am fine the way I am.
I felt completely free
To just be me and not a sham.

"In His image He created us",
That applies to me too you know!
It shouldn't cause such a fuss
that I'm so tried of putting on this show.

Now the only part I'll play is me,
And that role, I'm afraid, is gay.
Accepting yourself is life's hidden key
That's all I have to say

♠ ♠ ♠
This was written in the middle of the night, in a moment of insomnia and boredom so I know its not that great but meh, I guess it doesnt really matter. Haven't written any poetry before so I guess you've got to start somewhere right? Please tell me what you think (: