She's A Princess

In her room,
She'll slit them and cry,
With only seconds to breathe,
All she wants is to die,
She wants to feel his lips on hers again.

Just for pain,
She wants his embrace,
To feel his lips against her cheek,
She’s lame,
Undo the lace,
Once more before she can't speak.

She wanted everyone to hurt, but him,
Hurt them just as they made her,
Returning every stare, glance, rumor, tease,
And to twist the knife as she stabbed them in their backs in her hatred for you with please.

With him in mind,
She had dreams of pursuing goals,
It’s wrong, Has been all along,
But now the inspiration has been slaughtered,
Where's the time gone?

Fairytales used to control her outlook,
Then she grew up, Met you,
Your smile was the hook,
And all hope was lost,
The magic she once knew was no longer allowed.

No one ever attempted to pick up the pieces,
After she was destroyed by your lies,
She blamed herself, but, "It wasn't your fault,",
Although, strangely enough,
You still didn't have an explanation.

Such a beautiful soul she had,
But now It’s gone, demolished, and dark,
Just like the place her self-esteem rests,
Her own confidence and satisfied thirst for words had finally choked her.

She didn't mean to kill,
The gun simply slipped,
Took action,
And left only one person dead,
From remorseful grief,
But it wasn’t you they found in her suite.

My life isn't real,
It's all just a role I play,
Yes, I reassure them,
But still,
Inside I know I'm not okay.