These Strongholds

Of kings and Princes,
In Royal glory and extreme acts of faith
There in lies deeds of trust, hate and hubris
The great ones with unnecessary but secret fates
An enormous span of pain and disloyalty here lay

To remember is to live forever
Whether in someone's mind or in your own heart
So is there ever really true death?
To know the ways of royalty and tradition
Are forever alive in the hearts of these strongholds

And in all their ego, they will not let go
In all their callous ways, they will not let it bend
In all their righteousness, they will not let it be
They will remain as nights that won't end
They will remain a tunnel full of darkness with no light

Of chiefs and clerks,
There lie laws that need to change
Justice that is overdue for justification
Of new truths and old lies
Push has finally pushed to shove

Those ways that remain in their heart
Those old soldiers that they refuse to bury
Those old traditions and desperate lies that they resuscitate
Those hell that they raise for no reason
Those causeless causes that keep us in the shadow of the past

But those ways, whether they see it or not, are gone
The catcher of the future, me,with exclusive and new royal mannerisms
And because we can even dream of progression
And because we can fantasize about the taste of innovation
The wrath of the old age befalls our fantasy

Our visionary, they did try to assassinate
Love brings out the worst in the best of us
Vague love, stupid love, Unproductive love
Love by this name or another
Love it shall remain

But we found divinity to console and to heal and to save
They want to go against the flow of light by remaining stagnant
I wanted to go with the current and ride on the wave for the future
But for that i had to head for the grave, royalty and reality
Not knowing that they were also heading for me

Leave behind all competence at the door, as you enter the courts
These courts of holy hell raining on my parade
The kings and clerks look down with disdain and mortal vanity
Mortal vanity that possesses the best of us
They have called for me to defend my movement

They weren't listening though
My doom had been planned ages ago
For i had decided to walk Shakespeare's star crossed path
Their royalty, i have cursed and now its time to stand by it
Their conscience has declared my hell and here it comes

With no compassion they judged me and could not reason with me
Relentless to find the crack in my wall so it can come tumbling down
Look at what a mess , I've made now!
I take responsibility for whoever i hurt because of my dream
You can never with them, i should have known that

Companions in crime on a journey of sin
Princes of doom, Kings straight from hell
On a mission to keep us so monotone
They pretend to be men of valor and they act like bastions
But these strongholds are nothing more than boys
Little boys lost in a huge building with huge crowns
Little boys with no imagination with too much strength to hold onto the past
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem is basically saying move on and don't be monotone. It is no a political commentary in any sense its just an analogy. A scenario in my head, i hope you enjoy it.
-Isaac Atayero