Rebellious Child Of The Sea

Rebellious young child of the sea,
Why do you always flee
From admitting yourself wrong,
And still letting your heart be filled with envy and pride?
Why do you glide away
From friend to friend?
Seems like whatever you do will always end.
I hear you are rebellious against His Word
And that you allow astrology
And deep interpretations to be thy guide.
Everyone says that you are just that way,
Because you believe you're forever a child,
Yet contradictingly,
You say you're a child of The Lord,
If so, why are you some times impure and insecure?
Thy answer is, "I am free to be what I want to be..."
"For Jesus' salvation is for everyone including me..."
"Although I run away, my soul clings onto
Friends and misses them dear..."
"I'm usually not myself around others,
because I have one small fear..."
"I pray every night, asking for
His forgiveness and loving light,"
"And I also have this continuous inner fight..."
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"Rebellious Child Of The Sea" (C) xXmariisa23Xx, Mariisa, Marissa Faries