She Still Loves Him

Someone knows they’re still being chased.
That person’s recognized both her friends,
But most of all she’s so in love:
She’s anguished with seeing you in numbing darkness.

Someone knows they’re still being followed.
That person’s liked you for a lot of reasons,
But most of all she’s so in love
She gains up to her strength, long ago inspired by yours.

Someone knows they still didn’t get their chance.
That other person’s got heavier things on his mind,
But most of all he’s so caring and knowing of her
He’s truly a close friend to see through her eyes and face.

Someone knows they still didn’t gain love easily back.
That other person’s got a mission almost as if a burden,
But most of all he’s so in the dark but can be noble still,
He’s truly someone worth suffering for and together with.

(She can understand why you won’t go to her)
Two someone’s are just boys becoming stronger,
Two other someone’s are just girls holding it together inside.
No longer hard to believe they were meant for each other.

She can save you from being so alone,
Young men can be so stubborn and strong-headed.
She can show you you’re fine the way you are,
Young men can be so wrapped up in a fight within.

He could love some people to heal his heart,
Young women can be so annoying and tearful.
He could love someone back, in return,
Young women can be so strange and sincere…
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"She Still Loves Him" (C) xXmariisa23Xx, Mariisa, Marissa Faries