Strong Spirit

I said I put my past behind me,
But sometimes it still haunts me,
Repeating itself
All those thoughts come back,
And I begin to go off track.
I know I said I was stronger,
But somehow it's a lie
But I know I'll be able to get by,
Sometimes I need to cry,
I may wish to die...
But that's not my final decision,
Somehow I'll realize those bad thoughts are just illusions,
Sometimes though, they are completely true,
But deep down I know,
That there are people who will help me get through.
My emotions are always fleeting,
The next time you see me depressed,
You'll later see me all happy.
But deep down I am sad about something,
It will never go away, but I am always fighting it,
Continuously shredding this sadness down to bits.
♠ ♠ ♠
"Strong Spirit" (C) xXmariisa23Xx, Mariisa, Marissa Faries