The Process of Saving You Is Saying to You What Others Are Afraid to Say!

Each wound you inflict
Leaves a scar behind.
Leave that for the addicts,
Self-destructing blind.
I know you feel kicked
From what he or she did.
But don't let them control
Your promises.

You weren't a diseaster
When the Doctors cut the cord.
So break the cycle of basturds.
Live life triumph, like a award.

When you hit the bottom,
Crawl out.
You're never left with nothing.
Don't drown in doubt.
If it seems hard
And there's no light.
Give me your hand,
We'll all survive.

You may be facing demons,
Stuck in denial.
When you hit the deep ends
It's all about survival.
Reality will strike,
And the sun will rise.
Change means fight
What's haunting inside.

They made you vain.
Left arrogant-minded to think for yourself!
We all suffer pain.
Being conceited won't shelter you from Hell.
I know you think highly of yourself
To feel what you always needed.
Isn't that everyone's goal? Selfishly.
To always feel wanted?

You're loved by many
So why exile others?
You have plenty
Of Sisters and Brothers :)
If life revolved around one
It would be soo lonely!
Instead lets try ADOZEN
Starting with you and me!

Yeah, maybe Love is Evol backwards.
You have the word spelt wrong!

Every song
Has a bad Bridge
But in the ending
It's always uplifting!
Take it off repeat
And you'll survive.
Face catastrophe
And just like that--
You're alive.
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem hits close to home.