I Await

I await your arrival my love. I wait for you to take me away from this desolate hell hole.
Away from the life that has no meaning, has no hope. Give me a light that shines so bright. That guides me from my hell into the wasteland of the eternal abyss.

I can not walk amongst the living for my soul is to wounded. I cannot smile for I am not happy, I exist. I am a dot on the radar of humanity. I am not the world to anyone or anyone to the world. My existence is noting but the a punching bag to the world.

I await you my love, I wait your hugs. I wait to feel your breath along my neck. I await to feel your hands on my body. I await with bated breath for you my love my knight in shinning armor.

My world had been nothing but darkness. Nothing but hurt and sorrow. Many a time I wanted to end it, many a time the true darkness called. Many times I wan to answer the call. But I want to wait for you my love. I want to wait for your breath on my body.

I loved you before I could tell you. I loved the warmth, but the darkness keeps calling. Kept repeating saying it was a lost cause it was never going to happen. I would scream I was a lone, a worthless person. Thats why I await you my love to free me from my hatred and bitterness