how i really feel : - reading between the lines

"don't worry , I'm ok"
I'm not ok but i don't want to worry you
"I'm so happy for you!!!!"
i wish it could be me in your arms
"ye my day was fine"
it sucked i missed you
" would you like me to talk to her ? "
if i talk to her .... I'll try to make her cry
" your perfect for each other"
she's a cheating, using bitch .... you can do better
" i hope you two can work it out"
one day he'll get sick of you and leave
" want to hang out and play some games ? "
i want to spend time with you... and kick your arse on a game
" i worry about everyone "
i only worry bout people i care about
" she's so nice "
..... bitch!!!
" did she , I'd never think she was the type "
i knew it
" can you chat "
I'm lonely and miss you
" good bye , have a good day tomorrow "
I'm happy you'll be happy with her
" just friends "
that's all we can be ... he's like my brother
" you drive me mad"
it's nice having someone i can be myself around
" can i have a hug ? "
I'm . fucking . freezing !
" nope where just friends ""
he's my best mate
"we're just friends"
sorry just cos he's a lad won't mean i want to get in his pants
" your a pain in the arse "
i like looking after you
" you really are my best friend!!! "
that's how this is staying
" don't worry about it , it doesn't matter "
oh dear god ..... i actually want to kill you
" that was so cool!!! "
what the hell did you do that for ?
" don't cry "
arrgh he's crying now ... what do i do ?? "
" i hate you so much sometimes"
i love you .... but just as a friend