My Heart is my Hell

The sting of rejection,
My heart too pained to mention,
All the years I've wished it to be,
And all you did was laugh at me,
I'm sick and tired of this,
I live in shame, you live in bliss,
My time has come to an end,
And I'm not going to pretend,
There's so much more I wanted to do,
And I can't bear not seeing you,
But with my time, I'll try in vain,
Just to end up alone in the rain,
There's a better life waiting for me,
I just need for you to see,
That when I'm gone, I'll never be back,
In my new house, a home it will lack,
Leaving all i've ever known,
Entering a place so utterly alone,
But I'll see it through, it's for the best,
Fuck my life, and fuck the rest,
My Heart is my Hell, as I say,
All I love just burns away,
What's right, what's wrong, I can't tell,
But I'm leaving now with a not-so-fond farewell.