Ode to Words

Letters and sounds put together
To make something so beautiful yet so common
All taken for granted on this earth
All abused and over used
Some so big that we sink right into them
Open water with no life preserver
Others so small that we step on them
Like wads of gum left by a child, we just wipe them off at the door step
So over used yet so magnificent
They are abused
Hit and slashed
Trying to crawl back into the safety of your vocal chords
But you just push them out, hurting others along the way
They are praised too
By teachers
Preaching to the future about never ending knowledge
And helping them on their way to the top
By protestors
Speaking their minds and helping the world
Where would we be without words?
So I say thank you words
Thank you for being there
♠ ♠ ♠
My poem for class