Friends Never Leave

Life gets hard and things get rough,
But the struggles teach you how to be tough.
Things might get shaky and you might break,
But those moments are opportunities you have to take.

Opportunities to grow and learn from the pain,
Look on the bright side and see all you have to gain.
There's experience and knowledge, friendships that are made,
You'll acquire things that you'll never want to trade.

I've been through so much, yet so little at the same time.
Not all the experiences are good, but they are all mine.
They've shaped me through the years and opened my eyes.
The pain has let me see things, where once I was blind.

I used to feel hopeless, lost in the depth of my despair,
But every time I turned around my friends were there.
Never once did they leave me, never once did they let go.
And every time I asked for help, never once did they say, "No."

My friends taught me a lesson, one I was blessed to learn.
You always help the ones you love and now, it's my turn.
The things I've been through gave me something not everyone has,
The ability to sympathize with things not everyone can.

The pain of my struggles have given me a passion,
To show the world they can be happy no matter what happens.
There's a secret to life that everyone should know,
When bad things happen you just have to open up and grow.

If you go through life with that in mind,
You'll experience things of all different kinds.
I'm learning to live with a smile and no regrets,
Life may get crazy, but I'm not giving up yet.