Twisted Lullaby

This place it feels so dead
your lies still run around my head
Why dose this be feel ice cold
there's a hallow in my chest from the hart you stole

There are spider webs hanging from the ceiling
when did it become so hard to even have a feeling.
The garden's overgrown and down the path a broken gate
how did a place so beautiful become something i hate?

Oh god my thoughts are ruling my head
you tossed my away like glass and left me dead .
Everything covered in a layer of dust
i guess this is what i get for letting my heart trust.

Vines creep along walls
my only company are the bugs that crawl .
Into my bed in the middle of the night
scuttling there little legs across my skin to their hearts delight.

The bathroom taps rusted and the mirror broken
the pipes moan like a spirit woken
Why is it darkness feels so right?
corridors like a maze , I'm lost can't even bear moonlight .

There are man eating Lillis in the pond and poison apples in the tree
the blue bells chime their hunting lullaby and the black blossom whispers to me.
Am i nothing but a bird in a gilded cage
will you keep hostage in the broken house or another victim of your rage?

I'm waisted and drained to broken to care
what happened to our sanctuary how did or dream change to this nightmare.
The floor Boards rot like my mind seems to decay
the permanent starlight means i can't tell night from day.

There's a river bubbling at the bottom of the garden but it flows and bubbles black
there are birds trapped hear they sing their song of sorrow , even they gave up on going back .
In this pace no one ca here me scream , or shout or cry
so in this place there is no one to care weather i live or die .

The books all crumble in my hand
how did i end up in the your sick twisted land ?
The water tastes of blood and food seems too sweet or too bitter
snow falls so silently so beautifully but there just razor blades that glitter.

Mirrors hold no reflection , my body has no shadow
and my voice has no echo.
My sole feels empty and hollow
lost in this sick dream you left left noting for me to follow.

Dancing in the meadow but still i feel like a marionette with cut string
feathers fall black and i wounder if they are from angel wings?
Your betrayal lost me cold with nothing but broken memories to play
and i wounder what this haunted house and it's gardens are meant to portray.

But this broken wounder land keeps me it's the only place I fit
but is this place haunting me or am i haunting it ?
You've left me lost within this illusion for so long
and I'm suck within all these horror you've abandoned with only my haunted lullaby song .