You've Changed

You've changed.
You've changed so much.
I hate it.
I hate you.

I remember sitting together at night, just talking.
I remember staring up at the sky, and looking over at you,
To see you smiling at me.
I remember our deep conversations.
And the little ones, that made me laugh.

I can't stand to see you like this anymore.
You lie to me,
When you have never lied before.
You betray me,
When you have never talked to her before.

How could you?
How could you switch out me for her?
I was your world,
And you, mine.

But that's changed.
You have no reason to be in my life.
And I'm glad for that.

The way you're all over guys.
The way you grind on me at dances.
You've never been this way, before you started being like her.

I told you this would change.
I told you that if you tried it, we wouldn't be the same.
I was right, wasn't I?
It's not the same.

I've changed.
You've changed.
Let's just go our seperate ways.