Zack Uriah Addy

Bones... There was something about them,
Or at least there was to him.
Zack Uriah Addy is his name,
He cared not for fortune and fame.
One of the smartest people you could ever meet,
He could accomplish any feat.
Strong and smart, he held a certain charm,
He caused himself so much harm.
He protected his friends, who doubled as his family,
He got away, with a plead of insanity.
Zack did not deserve his fate,
Poor Zack, deserved a mate.
He was sweet and caring and deserved so much more,
But the Master caused his life to be torn.
Poor Zack, a real man,
He saved his friend pain, and sacrificed his own hands.
To Zack Uriah Addy: A true friend and an amazing man.
♠ ♠ ♠
I read this and realized just how horrid my writing was. Went back and fixed it, but I'm not too sure that it's any better.