We Are Humans

Like all of outer space we see during nights:
We are hollow and hallow in mind and spirit,
Yet within there are little lights.

Like all of the shadowy darkness:
The inside of our bodies hold no literal illumination,
Yet we all contain blood and invisible aura colors.

Like all animals born we know little:
We are instinctual and intuitive in essence,
Yet we all express conscience and consciousness.

Like this planet of other planets He created:
We are fallen beings, living physically manifested,
Yet the truth is that we, on Earth, all have a reason.

Like all people you’ve heard of and known:
We are all different physically and mentally,
Yet essentially we’re all the same in soul and spirit.

Like all the civilizations throughout time,
We are at war with ourselves and were once of love,
Yet because of all that is, is how we are humans.
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"We Are Humans" (C) xXmariisa23Xx, Mariisa, Marissa Faries