My Two Favourite Anime Heroes

Eternal angel and princess,
Her power as peaceful as moonlight
Glowing throughout the night.

Inner strength in the heart of a boy of age,
Growth through fighting and enduring! A sage!
His courage has tamed and changed the demon within.

Whereas there is the orb in the sky,
There is also darkness you’ve faced.
Going from tears to overcoming fears…

Where there is a village,
There are those who once feared him.
Yet you’ve grown so strong…

In the hearts of those of the dark,
You’ve forgiven; you’d fight; you turned dark into light.
Royal nobility, powers of love and light, serene.

In the thoughts of those in pain,
You’ve inspired, you’re admired, you’ll never give up.
Acknowledgement, fighting spirit, seeker of peace.

A soldier of the Heavens and a shinobi of the Earth.
A girl destined for defending the cosmos of her Universe.
A boy fated to fighting for peace in his home World.

Eternal soldier, strong sage, symbolically your stories
Are how you’ve both came of age and have
Overcame all the problems that came your way.

You’re the most significant two of all heroes I’ve seen.
Golden hair, golden hearts you have truly.
Your strength, in essence, is how I choose to be.

Soldier of the moon you’ve inspired me to be strong.
Shinobi hero of a place hidden in leaves, you I can relate to.
Both of you have given me the strength of holding on…
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"My Two Favourite Anime Heroes"