Roses Of All Colours

Roses of all colours
Would be in poems, art:
All my love rolled up.
Meant to represent understanding,
The roses each mean something.

Roses of blue
Would mean I’m aware
It’s true what I want is imaginary.

Roses of orange
Would mean I do deeply care
For a friend once a stranger.

Roses of yellow
Would mean I know
Me and someone have a bond.

Roses of all colours
Would be sincerely given,
All in a bouquet.
Altogether chosen,
To express my feelings.

Roses of black
Would mean I’m willing to grieve,
Aware someday everyone leaves.

Roses of purple
Would mean I’m so fond,
When thou enchantingly respond.

Roses of red
Would mean my love
Is being said sweetly, sincerely.

Roses of all colours
Would mean in mine garden
I grow only vivid petals.
Every radiant rose
Meant for thee.

Roses of pink
Would be expression
Of my happiness.

Roses of green
Would be my peace of mind,
Lucky to have thee as mine.

Roses of white
Would be proving
That you are worthy.

Roses of all colours
Would be together before my heart,
In my hands and arms.
Roses may one day be given to someone,
All as a bouquet like no other.
♠ ♠ ♠
"Roses Of All Colours" (C) xXmariisa23Xx, Mariisa, Marissa Faries