I'm better off dead

Did I ever tell you I was fake
This was all an act for another take
Playing the role for the audience down below
But the real me they'll never know 

Stop playing my life like its a game
When all you know is my name
You have never heard my story
Yet you talk about me to rise with glory

The bullying can be really cruel
A few times I faked sick to get out of school
Being called fat and ugly can really hurt
But I'm done feeling like dirt

So I take a knife to my skin
Numbing me from within
Watch the blood drip down my arm
Just close my eyes knowing I love this self harm

I watch my blood mix with tears
Hearing the laugh of all my peers
Knowing that I want to die
But I just sit here and cry

I wonder how deep the knife would have to go
When it happens, would I know
When I'm dead the world will be a better place
Maybe it will show the bullies my real face