
You said
If I upset her
We'll never be
Friends again

You said
You don't want
Me to speak to her
Ever Again

Your girl

She said
She tried to be 'nice'
But she's sick
Of the invisible shit I've pulled

She said
I've hurt you daily
With my bitter words
Words I've never said

Her lies

I've broken your second rule...
I spoke back...

You don't get it

I am not allowed to talk
To such a girl

But you
Have given her the privilege
To curse me
If ever angered

Behind my back
You've both spoken
Of me
And of my harmless actions

You said to me...
To leave her be

Yet you tell her
To do as much damage
As she can

I couldn't stand by
And allow you
To let her tie cement block
To my feet

And let me drown
In my pain

I said
I don't care what she thinks
Or says about me

Her lies and accusation
Don't help the pain
I'm feeling.